So, we made it

Access to accurate and up-to-date vehicle counts, Vulnerable Road User (VRU) counts, and vehicle operating speed data should not hinder the development and implementation of effective traffic systems. Communities of all sizes and resources deserve equal access to this critical information.

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2     Upload

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Are you ready to start?

Traffic Data Shouldn't Cost Lives.

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No Video Collection Equipment?

No problem! We provide resources to help you find the best method for collecting your data cost-effectively.

Prefer continuous data collection?

We've got you covered with our plug-and-play kit that operates 24/7, delivering a reliable, continuous data stream.

Let's get started

Advanced AI Video Analytics

Take advantage of our FREE* video processing using cutting-edge AI technology, providing you with unparalleled insights with Autoscope Analytics. Simply provide us with your video files, and we process them through our technology platform.

Beyond Standard Data Collection

We understand that your traffic management needs are diverse and complex. That's why we offer a comprehensive portfolio of insights tailored to the specific needs of your roadway safety programs, including:

Speed Management

VRU Safety Assessment

Exposure and Conflict Analysis

Committed to Your Success

Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive solutions that meet your unique requirements, assuring the safety and efficiency of your traffic systems.

*Subject to limits and conditions